Get your twitter user feed as RSS

2019-07-25: Twitter have changed their UI. For now, user queries should continue to work, as they'll be directed to the mobile version of Twitter. Search queries not so much.

2018-10-17: Twitter are rate limiting requests from, meaning it is effectively broken until I can think of a way round it. You can still run your own instance



Get a twitter "live" search as RSS

Sponsors is free. Thanks Bytemark!

In September 2015, Bytemark generously offered to host for free on their Big V platform. That means that I have been able to drop the cache time, so that feeds update more often and provide a generally more reliable service.

Traffic stats


Way back in the mists of time twitter used to have RSS feeds. It was great and people used them. I even made a twitter RSS getter form for my website so you could locate your feed. But in June 2013 they killed the RSS feeds. Fuckers.

So, I wrote a script that would fetch a twitter search as an RSS feed, which was a thing I needed to do. Rather than use the api, I just screen scraped the open web for the data.

I realized that the same idea would work for user timelines and so I built a script and modded my twitter rss getter to use that instead. It proved popular (and killed my server a few times). So I put it on its own domain name and wrote a frontend. This dear reader is that. And if you are still reading, maybe you should stop.